After the lovely barren, we gravitated towards the ravine. Of course we did, it is the law, gravity. 😉
Ok the test first. Can you find the cotttontail? If you can’t find it that’s ok, you may still look at the rest of the post. LOL.
Looking for an easy path down, the Mexican Buckeye (Ungnadia speciosa) lined the edge of the ravine.
Opening the pod, each section of the pod reminded me of hearts. Don’t you love the color?
The Slender Orange-bush (Teloschistes exilis) were on many of the Mexican Buckeye’s branches. The other orange fruticose orange lichen, Goldeneye (T. chrysophthalmus) has hairs (cilia) on the fruiting bodies (apothecia). Additionally, the branches on the Slender Orange-bush are slender comparatively.
Stopping at the jelly lichen (Collema) a roly-poly bug (tentatively Armadillidium) rambled by.
At this point we had made it below the rim. This moss covered concretion looked like a big green caterpillar. 😉 Moreover, I had photographed this same feature two years ago.
Imagine how big this butterfly would be if it was a caterpillar. Yikes!
Organ Pipe Mud Dauber nests were vertical and horizonal under the ledge!
A path of water cut through mosses.
Mosses were collected. Jeanne had permission of course.
Evidence of others that had come before us. I do not know who. If you would like to make a guess, the scat was about half inch long. Please share your idea.
With the recent rains, water still dripped from the limestone rocks. What a lovely place!
So much moss!!
Such a beautiful place
The discovery of the tiny mussel is fascinating!