After being on the edge we moved down to the upper tier of the hillside.
Another moss was collected. The capsules barely above the upper leaves. Jeanne ID’d it as Orthotrichum pumilum. Note: I have permission for collecting.
A closer look at the ribbed capsules!
A very hairy brown gall found on red oak. Tentatively ID’s as a Leafy Oak Gall Wasp (Andricus quercusfoliatus).
Coralberry (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) was gorgeous!
Teloschistes chrysophthalmus very recognizable by the ciliate (hairs) on the orange apothecia (round fruit bodies)!
Another collection by Jeanne.
A close up the Ptychomitrium sinese on the limestone rock!
A Psora lichen!
Some trees are just loaded with lichens! However what remains a mystery is why so many on one tree. Then the same species of tree next to a loaded one will have none to only a few lichens.
Lichens are enthralling. And interesting about insects and light.
Really interesting article on the light and insects – makes alot of sense. Poor conflittle guys! guys!
Such a pretty Psora photo. It’s my favorite genus and the only lichen family I really recognize.
It’s a good genus! Well, I’m lichen them all. 😉
Paula found the moth article! I agree with Suzanne, Psora are cute.
Thanks Paula! 🙂