What a gorgeous fall day, eh! Were you lazy? Or did you get outside to enjoy it?
The Cottonwoods glowed in the early morning light!
Sleepy Daisies (Xanthisma texanum) are about finished.
The Variegated Fritillary had no time to waste.
Buckeyes were not going to be left out either.
A Sleepy Orange was not resting on its laurels either!
You would expect nothing less from the Honey Bees to be busy. There is a reason for the saying busy as a bee, eh. LOL Interesting though I was not seeing pollen being gathered. So perhaps it was only a nectar thing today on the Fall Asters (Symphyotrichum ericoides)?
Sometimes it does pays to be lazy. Do you recall the cat I found on the Cowpen Daisy, the Gilded Seedcropper or as I called the Cowpen Daisy Moth (Basilodes chrysopis)? Well, it was stumbling around in the dirt. And then with all sixteen legs (six real legs and ten prolegs) were sticking up like it was dead. Certainly it was a goner. But in fact, it had been churning inside to make a pupa. So now I am glad I was lazy and didn’t toss it. LOL. Additionally, it will have a safer place to overwinter due my laziness.
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
I have been seeing a lot of cats the last few days. Posted a Hackberry Dagger on iNat. Seeing Salt Marsh cats everywhere. They are fun to handle. And Bordered Patch cats on Cowpen and Gulf Frits on passionvine. Not many butterflies. Mostly pipevine swallowtails. Did have one Monarch today.
I had a lot of butterflies and bees on my Gregg’s blue mistflower and purple fall asters yesterday. Cloudless Sulphur, Painted Ladies, Fiery Skippers, even a Queen. It looked like a kaleidoscope!
I have been seeing a lot of cats the last few days. Posted a Hackberry Dagger on iNat. Seeing Salt Marsh cats everywhere. They are fun to handle. And Bordered Patch cats on Cowpen and Gulf Frits on passionvine. Not many butterflies. Mostly pipevine swallowtails. Did have one Monarch today.
Wow on the monarch. I haven’t seen one in a few weeks. Daggers and the fuzzy cats, got to love’em.
Was a perfect day for sure. Good luck with the forgotten cat!
Photos of the new reef – fabulous – as were the starfish from yesterday!
I had a lot of butterflies and bees on my Gregg’s blue mistflower and purple fall asters yesterday. Cloudless Sulphur, Painted Ladies, Fiery Skippers, even a Queen. It looked like a kaleidoscope!
That’s a very nice assortment! They must like you! 👏🏻 but not surprised with critters you post from your yard. 😎
Haha they always pupate!!
Someday I will learn…maybe 😂