
Vines are pretty cool. For sure y’all watched some of David Attenborough documentaries that have shown the vines climbing right? No, I have not done any movies showing the climbing. However while surfing I ran across this entry in Wikipedia about vines. There are many growth forms. Vines widely differ in size, form and evolutionary origin. “Darwin classified climbing groups based on their climbing method. He classified five classes of vines – twining plants, leaf climbers, tendril bearers, root climbers and hook climbers.” Additionally some vines go clockwise and others counterclockwise. Fascinating! I knew this but always forget about the clock thing. LOL

Virginia-creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) is tendril type vine. It is host plant for multiple species of moths including the Virginia Creeper Sphinx.
The fall colors are beautiful!
Mature Greenbriar (Smilax bon-nox) berries are black. Greenbriar also uses tendrils.
The Creeping Cucumber (Melothria pendula) has a simple tendril at the node.
This twinning Small White Morning Glory (Ipomoea lacunosa) was just starting out.
The Pipevine (Aristolochia tomentosa) is a climber with no tendrils.
An up close look at the underside of the hairy (tomentose) leaf.

Surprisingly we found multiple seed pods low to the ground. The plant often climbs very high to the canopy!
Now last but not least, the grapevine (Vitis), another vine that uses tendrils. However FNCT says the “tendrils are negatively phototropic and force themselves into cracks or crevices in supporting structures”. Negative phototropic is when the organism grows away from the light source. Additionally, neither of us ever remember seeing a grapevine climb a cedar.

Hunters apparently had cut many of the vines. Jeanne took a swing. Wheee!

Another fine outing!

Flower Thought to Be Extinct Suddenly Found Growing in Road

Wallace’s sphinx moth: The moth predicted 30 years before it was described

Why Is the Sky Blue?

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Wow that grape vine up the cedar was huge as was the cedar and I have never seen that either.
    And I am going to go look at my Lindheimer’s Morning Glory and see which way it twists around.
    When the pipevine pods ripen, can you save me some? I may have lost mine plus would love to get these to more people by growing some.

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