Moving at a Snail’s Pace

Well, I actually don’t known the speed of a snail. Hmmm, it seems they are relativity fast. In fact most snails can travel at around 0.02 miles per hour. But I digress, there are no snails in this post. However most times I move at a snail’s pace. LOL

A view of the blue sky from the top of mesa!

Seeds are pretty incredible! And sometimes they are hard to find like this Trailing Ratany (Krameria lanceolata) was.

It’s pretty darn hairy! I am not sure if someone had opened it to eat or the seed was dispersed. Further almost all the seeds we located had the hole.

The Prairie Verbena (Glandularia bipinnatifida) was hanging on!

The golden seed heads of the American Basketflower (Centaurea americana) are awesome this year!

The Two-leaf Senna (Senna roemeriana) was scattered here and there.

Even though the Chickenthief (Mentzelia oligosperma) is bright yellow it is easily to overlook in the brown plants of the barrens.

This is a mystery to me. It sorta looks like the Red-seed Plantain seed. But it is not.

It was firmly attached to the stem of Black Dalea (Dalea frutescens). So I am making the assumption that it was an egg case. Only some plants had them. Love a good mystery! Perhaps I should bring one home for the Curry Zoo sometime?

Next we left the barrens for Little Cottonwood Lake.

Plants Really Do ‘Scream’. We Just Never Heard It Until Now.

520-million-year-old animal fossil fills gaps in evolution

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. I remember reading about plants making sounds back in the’60s. A university back east, cant remember which one, had made a study of it using something like an EEG machine. Glad they’re studying it more now.

  2. Two-leaf Senna has been a star performer through this drought. I’m not sure why it isn’t more common as a landscape plant. It’s not hard to germinate and grow.

  3. I agree with you Suzanne. I have never found it in a nursery or from a member for our plant sales. I finally have my own down here in the Hill Country. Last year I found a whole bunch of seedlings in the pasture in a clump so took them home and potted them. But did you know there is a Dwarf Senna? Senna pumilio grows in caliche, rock or sand here and gets only 4 inches tall at most. It is quite cute.

    1. Whoa, that is quite a cutie, Kathy! Apparently, its range doesn’t extend this far north, but maybe it would be winter hardy here?

    2. Agree with Suzanne, a cutie! Claire told me today that all you need to do is soak the seeds for 24 hours before planting for S. roemeriana.

  4. Apparently central ok is north of two leaf senna range but it does great. I’ve been giving the seeds to everyone who will take them! They’re delightful! So maybe the dwarf ones might do ok too?

      1. I will try to look at the ones in my yard for seedpods.
        We have gotten down in single digits here, just to compare.

  5. Thank you for taking the time to read this post! While we may not have covered the speed of snails in depth, we hope you found it amusing to learn that they’re surprisingly speedy creatures. As for the pace of this post, well, sometimes we can relate to moving at a snail’s pace ourselves! Your support and engagement mean the world to us. Stay tuned for more intriguing content and perhaps even more unexpected facts in the future!

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