Hopping in Cooke

Down the roads we went to check-up on the Shirley‘s flowers. First Shirley stop would be at the Sharp-wing Monkey-flower (Mimulus alatus) location. Second stop was for the False Foxglove (Aureolaria grandiflora). Yes, they will always be Shirley’s. 🙂

Since we parked a hundred or so feet from the location of the Sharp-winged Monkey-flower we stopped to look. First find was a hairy little gall on the Hackberry leaf.

A 2mm little brown flake turned out to be a dead Acutalis tartarea, a treehopper. It has no common name. However I might call it the Little Brown Flake. So it is easy to see why critters and plants get crazy names eh. LOL

A Red-banded Leafhopper (Graphocephala coccinea) was alive! Of course it was more of challenge to photograph. LOL

This 6 or 7mm guy was even jumpy-er than the above hopper. Similarly looking and in the same genus it was the Versute Sharpshooter (Graphocephala versuta)! The name versuta (L) means cunning. Wonder what is up with that as a name?

Oh yeah, we found a live Acutalis tartarea!
Citrus Flatid Planthopper (Metcalfa pruinosa)! The name pruinosa refers to the waxy coating on the nymphs.
Last hopper, the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis)! These critters are very shy. So putting my finger behind them kept them from hiding on the opposite side of the stem of the Giant Ragweed. Of course sometimes this does not work and they hop away. 😉

We could see there was one Monkey-flower blooming. However I didn’t want to hop the fence to go see it.

So this was the first stop that day for Shirley’s flowers. Tomorrow’s post will be the second stop at the False Foxglove.

Media Alert: The USGS is calling all dead butterflies and moths in six states

Spot the difference: why drongos are likely to clock African cuckoo eggs 94% of the time

Mysterious Arachnid Turns Out to Have 3 Different Kinds of Male

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. I do occasionally see a dead butterfly or others so will keep an eye out now. Sure are some pretty leafhoppers. Amazes me how many critters you find in such a small area.

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