This morning was a bit on the nippy side. In fact, our low was 31.7 degrees. So this was FOSF (first of season frost)! ;-0
There was not a lot of frost in our cold spots that lie along our morning walking path.
Now I will continue on with the Montague outing from Monday. The wind was a blowing from the northeast. As we moved off the top of mesa, we headed down the north face.
Next stop after the bumble bees, was the Willow Leaf Sunflowers (Helianthus salicifolus)! No blooms yet on this patch! However, there are other patches to check out.
A small true bug nymph was hiding in the leaves!
Of course, you know me I like to get up close to see the details. LOL
The beautiful Compass Plant (Silphium laciniatum) was dressed in its fall colors! This plant was a bit stiff so it was not much of problem for photos.
What a standout brown color on the foliage!
The flower head is just as scabrous as the leaves.
In the Silphium genus, the seeds are produced only by the ray flowers. So the seeds are like paddles attached to the center disk.
The wind was a blowing. Thus it was a challenge to center this shot.
Frost sure is pretty. Racism. I can see no end to it. Hard to believe it still exists but it does. With a vengeance. Nice article. Thanks.
Prejudices are likely to continue I agree, but I want to be hopeful it can get better if we are more open.
Ahhh, Silphium. A lovely genus. Thanks for spotlighting it.
Kinda of one of your favs I have noticed. And I agree!
A fascinating seed structure