Today was a catchup day. A lot of photos to name, live animals to examine, and check the progress of the babies in foster care. And yes, I brought home a few animals yesterday. 🙂
However, I will continue on the track I started yesterday with the Montague outing.
Most of the Blue Sage (Salvia azurea) was not that tall. But it certainly was blue and pretty!
The Whitlow Wort (Paronychia virginica) was bright!
Multiple species were blooming in a small area!
This American Bumble Bee (Bombus pensylvanicus) had me fooled into thinking it was different. So this was one that I brought home.
Of course, he got the full studio treatment! LOL
The females, workers and male bumble bees are marked differently. The bit of orange hair at tip of the abdomen is what made me hopeful that we had found a different species. No luck this time, but it was not for the lack of trying. 😉 This was the second bumble bee we found.
Here was the first bumble bee found. See my finger close to the American Bumble Bee? Indeed, it was a tad windy and cool. This required holding the plant still. And yes, we wore our layers and jackets. This one was pretty large so I assumed that it a female.
She was chilled. Thus I was able to get in her face for the shot! The elbow in the antennae are characteristic of bumble bees (Bombus).
Furthermore, I thought it would be safe to pet her. This was what she thought of that. Go away human and don’t bother me.
When my wisteria is blooming it is loaded with bumblebees. I love to stand in the middle of them and they are not inclined to sting – so far! But I haven’t tried petting one.
I would not have tried to pet a her if she hadn’t been chilled. I have only been stung once by a bumblebee when Shadow (Claire’s dog) made them angry by sticking her nose in their ground nest. 😂
Is that the bee you brought home? Sweet of her to not sting you.
The one I brought home was the male. And the lady bumble was still to cold or she would have flew away.
That was funny!
When my wisteria is blooming it is loaded with bumblebees. I love to stand in the middle of them and they are not inclined to sting – so far! But I haven’t tried petting one.
I would not have tried to pet a her if she hadn’t been chilled. I have only been stung once by a bumblebee when Shadow (Claire’s dog) made them angry by sticking her nose in their ground nest. 😂
Yep, that bee was waving you off! Beautiful color palette on the prairie that day.
It was the perfect day for sure!
No thank you says the bee!