
Were you able to stay cool today? Truly, this is some serious heat.

Spectacular sunrise!

A wider view!

Can you see the white dot that is almost dead center in the sky part?

So next I got out my SkyView app to ID the planet. It was Venus!

Jupiter, Mars and Neptune were out this morning as well. So it’s much easier to to find them using the app LOL. In fact, I counted six planets above the horizon this morning. Certainly a fun app to locate the planets.

So on Monday, we washed our car. Why is this news? Well, it was the first time we have washed a car in five years LOL. More importantly and sad, this was the only butterfly to come to the wet mud, a Dainty Sulphur. 🙁 Additionally, Jim said he did see one bee in the mud. Moreover, there used to be gobs of butterflies and bees gathering in the wet driveway on car washing day. This is so alarming!

Do you remember the post Passenger Pigeon and splats? This is all the insects we have gotten with two trips to Decatur and one trip to Dallas. We must save the bugs and the native plants! But I know… y’all know that.

A Southern or Northern Cloudywing (Thorybes) seen on the morning walk. First one for me this season.

In spite of the lack of insects and the hot weather, the bluebird nestlings are surviving. Here one is peeking out!

I can’t imagine how hot it must be for the nestlings. Lucky for them, they have hard working parents that are able to find enough food for their brood.

A beautiful Texas Paper Wasp (Polistes apachus) found a shady resting spot on the Greeneyes (Berlandiera betonicifolia). It was a hot 103 degrees here.

Finally, a book. Now is a good time to catch up on reading in this hot weather. Furthermore, I just finished this delightful entertaining fact filled book. The author presents it as if was an advice column for lovelorn. It is filled with wit and humor.

Dazzling first images from James Webb Space Telescope

Utah’s Great Salt Lake Is Drying Out

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


  1. Poor baby birds. Surprised they don’t roast on this heat. Too too sad about insects. None in my yard. Lots of lakes drying up. Worrisome.

    1. The hummers at my house seem to be drinking more from my feeders this year. And migration will be starting in a week or two.

  2. I remember another summer (2011?) that was very hot and dry with no bugs. I found both bluebird and barn swallow chicks dead on the nest. They got enough food to grow but not to fledge. The book looks good! I’m trying a sample on my Kindle.

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