Oh all these name changes. How do you like the new name for bushy bluestem? Maritime Bluestem Andropogon tenuispatheus. I have heard a lot of people complain that maritime isn’t a good common name.
Did you see the Missouri Primrose pods just past the scurf pea?
And I have a Grindelia I need to send pics of to see if you can get it down to species. Love Vine Mesquite.
Well, is it INat that changed the common name? Often, iNat does not have the same local common name I would use. So I have started to use the scientific name instead in a lot of cases. Only way to know what someone is talking about. After looking up Bushy Bluestem on iNat it comes up with 3 names, Andropogon glomeratus – Bushy Bluestem, Andropogon tenuispatheus- Maritime bluestem (which WFO says is a syn of A. glomeratus), and A. eremicus -Southwestern bushy Bluestem. WFO says it is uptodate as of Dec 2021. So who knows? Certainly not me!
Yes, I saw the Missouri Primrose 🙂
Its wonderful to see so many insects. And hasnt Edgar gotten beautiful? Looks like shes ready to fledge. Thanks for the wonderful tour.
You are welcome!
Oh all these name changes. How do you like the new name for bushy bluestem? Maritime Bluestem Andropogon tenuispatheus. I have heard a lot of people complain that maritime isn’t a good common name.
Did you see the Missouri Primrose pods just past the scurf pea?
And I have a Grindelia I need to send pics of to see if you can get it down to species. Love Vine Mesquite.
Well, is it INat that changed the common name? Often, iNat does not have the same local common name I would use. So I have started to use the scientific name instead in a lot of cases. Only way to know what someone is talking about. After looking up Bushy Bluestem on iNat it comes up with 3 names, Andropogon glomeratus – Bushy Bluestem, Andropogon tenuispatheus- Maritime bluestem (which WFO says is a syn of A. glomeratus), and A. eremicus -Southwestern bushy Bluestem. WFO says it is uptodate as of Dec 2021. So who knows? Certainly not me!
Yes, I saw the Missouri Primrose 🙂
Whatever it is, I get the impression Edgar isn’t sharing.
Ha ha! I think you are right! 😉
Edgar has his/her headdress now! I love it! I hope you’re able to get a pic when it fledged sitting on the roof with its parents.
When it fledges…
You have inspired me. I will try to catch with the wildlife camera. 🙂