How delightful to get some rain finally! We ended up with 2.38 inches at my house. However the range reported in our local newspaper was upwards to 3.42 inches in Decatur.
A view out our window as the rain poured downed yesterday!
When Gracie and I walked up to the mailbox, the water was still flowing over our driveway! How wonderful, eh!
Square-bud Primrose (Calylophus berlandieri)! This is why the this flower’s common name is what it is, its got square buds!
Gracie enjoys the water too!
Do you recognize this unopened flower? Hint: the title.
It is easy to see why the Winecup (Callirhoe involucrata) got its common name!
While walking Gracie this afternoon, I was enjoying the many different angles of the Winecup.
It seems it is a good year for them!
New and old!
A top view of a partially opened flower!
Blown over, enabled me to get a good view of the sepals!
This one took on a bit of dirt!
Certainly are one of our wonderful spring flowers!
That water is beautiful. And Gracie loves it.
That’s a great photo of the sepals, and you can really see the involucre that gives it its species name quite well.
I looked up involucr….means wrapper in Latin.
Winecups are great!
Closeup views of the wine cups are great. Also good to see Gracie having fun.