This morning it got down to 25 degrees. And that qualifies as a hard freeze. So if you have Frostweed in your garden, I hope that you checked it out this morning.
Frostweed (Verbesina virginica) did it thing this morning. However, it did not burst out as much as it has done in some past years. Still I enjoyed it!
Continuing on with photos from last week outing, we stopped to examine another fallen log. It was beautiful!
A Van Goth Starry night pattern! I see a baby calf lying down.
Here a critter used the log for scratching post!
Algae was growing on the log!
Next I spotted this creature! Certainly looks like a face to me. 🙂
A lovely mushroom calls for a closer examination!
The underside had crinkly gills!
On another part of the log, they had lined like children ready to head into class.
A side view!
Initially, this is what drew me closer to the log to begin with…the moss. This is Entodon seductrix! A key characteristic of this species is the way it spreads out at the edges like a Christmas tree.
Another thing to notice is the shiny-ness of it.
And it was blooming! If you are going to ID mosses, it is a good idea to collect it when it is blooming. Tomorrow’s post will continue on with grasslands discoveries!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Entodon seductrix. Wow. Added to my list of favorite scientific names.
Entodon seductrix. Wow. Added to my list of favorite scientific names.
Another cool fun name is the common moss, Leucodon julaceus. A special thanks to Jeanne for being the moss ID’er!
Yes, another cool one. And that’s quite a common name!
Thanks to Jeanne for the IDs!
That last face is a wild hog. the white is a tusk sticking up out of the mouth.
That spreading moss is beautiful.
I can see your hog. 🙂
That was a beautiful collection. Especially the mushroom. Underside is special. And i can see Kathys hog and a calf. Also a dog and others.
What a charming log!