Today, the wind was mostly out of the south. However by 3pm it had changed to the WNW (292 degrees). Forecast predicts 43 degrees in the morning. And even colder Friday morning. At our house, that means it could possibly be as much as ten degrees colder. Out comes the winter apparel!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Stinkhorns are like train wrecks for me. Gruesome but it’s hard to look away. LOL
I have a large lynx spider in my yard guarding a nest of babies. I assume it was a large egg sac and now a bunch of tiny little spiders crawling around in a mess of web. I’ve got photos. Really cool.
Have y’all seen many migrating winter birds? I’ve got kinglets but not seeing much else. Just the standard chickadees and titmice around.
Kathy, we’ve had juncos, flickers and sapsuckers for a while. Also kinglets. I’ve heard that golden-crowned have been spotted more than usual so far. I’ve been seeing lots of LBBs flying up from roadsides but haven’t had a chance to get out with binoculars yet.
Kathy, We have most all the usual winter sparrows, Chippies, White-crowned, Harris’, Juncos, Vespers, Savannahs and so on. Heard the Golden-crowned Kinglet a few days ago.
I have never seen lynx babies. ;-(
Stinkhorns are like train wrecks for me. Gruesome but it’s hard to look away. LOL
I have a large lynx spider in my yard guarding a nest of babies. I assume it was a large egg sac and now a bunch of tiny little spiders crawling around in a mess of web. I’ve got photos. Really cool.
Have y’all seen many migrating winter birds? I’ve got kinglets but not seeing much else. Just the standard chickadees and titmice around.
Kathy, we’ve had juncos, flickers and sapsuckers for a while. Also kinglets. I’ve heard that golden-crowned have been spotted more than usual so far. I’ve been seeing lots of LBBs flying up from roadsides but haven’t had a chance to get out with binoculars yet.
Kathy, We have most all the usual winter sparrows, Chippies, White-crowned, Harris’, Juncos, Vespers, Savannahs and so on. Heard the Golden-crowned Kinglet a few days ago.
I have never seen lynx babies. ;-(
Maybe a springtail/Collembola? Catch one 😏