As we travel along the roads when we stop there is always stuff to find. You may have to look harder with all the mowing they do at the rest areas, but stuff is there. Here is some of what I found at the Ranger Safety Rest Area (I-20).
This pretty little yellow one was nestled low to the ground. I believe it is James’ Prairie Clover (Dalea jamesii)!
Globemallow (Sphaeralcea) is a fairly common flower in West Texas.
Insects seem to love it! But as you can see the insect left before I got the shot.
Clouds are always a favorite of ours to watch as we drive along. I thought this one looked like a mustache.
Here we found a different species of Greeneyes than what we have in North Texas. This is Lyreleaf Greeneyes (Berlandiera lyrata)!
Next, here is the Mexican Sandbur (Tribulus terrestris) which unfortunately is a non-native.
The Plains Lubber Grasshopper (Brachystola magna) was a lovely addition to our finds at the rest area stop!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Cant believe you found that grasshopper. Havent seen those since i was a kid. They were abundant here then. I called them jumbos. Easy to catch to feed to turtles.
Globe mallow is one of my favorites!
Cant believe you found that grasshopper. Havent seen those since i was a kid. They were abundant here then. I called them jumbos. Easy to catch to feed to turtles.
Judy, such a special memory, thanks!
I’m enjoying your road trip reports!
I bet it brings back memories for you. 😊 How many tx state parks do you have left to see?
Still have 11 to go. We’re starting back up in December – plan to visit the coastal ones near Corpus, hopefully see some whoopers too.
Suzanne, if you take a whooper tour you will see them.
Judy, I’m trying to book a tour but they are all already booked up!
I have missed a lot of your blogs lately. So I’m catching up starting with this trip. Such wonderful sightings! Loving it.
Thank you