So on Friday I just had to get out. Yes, it was hot. However, is not that what vehicles are for to keep you cool? Besides, I had not seen the Narrow-leaf Morning Glory this season.
I bet you didn’t know Mr. Wonderful lives in Wise County. Apparently he does. When out driving around, we come across some imaginative things by people.
I had hoped we would still find some blooming and we were not disappointed. First success! They were right where we had discovered them two years ago. The Narrow-leaf morning glory (Ipomoema shumardiana) fits its common name with the narrow leaves you see here in the photo. It is a rare plant. Jeanne and I have been locating them and monitoring them for several years now.
A little further down the road. And it had an Orange Skipperling (Copaeodes aurantiacus).
The Orange Skipperling took a deep dive!
We have found them right at the road’s edge. You can see this plant still has additional buds that will bloom soon. Also you may have noticed the range of colors which can be white to a more purplish, but always with the dark eye.
And to our delight, we discovered a new location to add to our list! And seems the skippers really like them too.
In the next posts, I will share some of the other fauna and flora we saw including some other critters on the Narrow-leaf Morning Glory.
Wayne suggests that maybe Mr Wonderful’s wife was responsible for the mailbox sign!
Wayne may be right. They must be in love or something LOL
That may be youre funniest mailbox discovery.
What a great day! I love to wander in Montague County. I’m looking forward to tagging along again in the fall.
Fun day!! Interesting article about the introduced blues too.