Dr. Blue’s blog post today inspired me to go out looking for plants with umbels or something similar to her dill plant. Her photo was pretty great! I did find some like hers. The Prairie Parsley was one. I was very inspired by Opal Lee story. Never too old to make a difference and don’t give up. One Woman’s Decades-Long Fight To Make Juneteenth A U.S. Holiday
Prairie Parsley had already dropped most of seeds. Dr Blue, I will watch for other seeds for you :-). And I think Dr Blue’s illustrates fireworks much better.
This was an exciting find for me! A Soapberry Hairstreak on Prairie Bluets! This is a first for me. We do have some Soapberry trees in our woods now, but I bet there are also some place else nearby. It looks like a new record for Wise County!
Tawny Emperor was a little worn.
Sachem on thistle!
Common Buckeye on Prairie Bluets!
This is American Germander (Teucrium canadense)! This plant was a total surprise to me! Back in 2015 when I was doing the book, I almost didn’t find one to include in the book (drought years). I have never planted it in our yard which is where it came up. It must like all the rain we have gotten. I do not water.
Here it was courtesy of nature and the rain! I have about 15 or so plants that came up.
Very cool plants and wasn’t that germander sneaky showing up! Glad you liked the Juneteenth article. I am going to take some time to use the new holiday to call my representatives about voting rights.
Very cool plants and wasn’t that germander sneaky showing up! Glad you liked the Juneteenth article. I am going to take some time to use the new holiday to call my representatives about voting rights.
What a nice thing to do on Juneteenth.
Opal should inspire everyone. Cool about the germander.