I believe we have had enough rain for a week or two. Mushrooms should be very happy. It looks like we are going to be hot, sticky and I bet plenty of mosquitoes too. We didn’t get near the amount of rain as many in the area got. We got a total of .68″ today.
Our dry “rivers” ran today!The common wood-nymph was visiting our honeysuckle this afternoon!I think these sprung up since this morning.The Clasping-leaf coneflowers (Rudbeckia amplexicaulis) are spectacular!Back on May 15th, Jim found this caterpillar under the carport. It is a Luna Moth (Actias luna) caterpillar!Close up. You can tell it is a male by the feathery antennas. Females do not have antennas that are as fluffy. It emerged on June 6th. Front wing spot!Hind wing spot!Ready for flight!
Is that an actual hole in the eye on the wings?
I’m still waiting on my 4 cocoons to hatch out so I can see what they are.
My guess is Cecropia Moth but I’ll have to wait.
Such a beautiful moth. And yes skeeters will be abundant i fear.
Is that an actual hole in the eye on the wings?
I’m still waiting on my 4 cocoons to hatch out so I can see what they are.
My guess is Cecropia Moth but I’ll have to wait.
Kathy, No holes, just looks like it. I hope you send me your photos of your moths.
Beautiful everything!! My R. Amplexicaulis didn’t come up from seeds 😔
I guess I should get you some more seeds??
Sure! If they don’t take after several tries they probably just don’t like my yard,but this was a weird winter
Yes Mary, when they emerge i will for sure send you photos.