Styrofoam peanuts!

Bewick’s wren nest with 4 eggs. After the size and color of the eggs, the twigs seal the deal for a Bewick’s.

The Bold Jumping spider! Don’t the white spots look like eyes and a mouth. I think the “eyes” look like they have eyelashes.

I saw this grass blade folded and wondered what did that?

Well, nothing was inside this time so I won’t know what critter did it.

Brown crab spider on a thistle leaf. I think they are cute.

Gray Hairstreak on Prairie Parsley!

This could be a possible Tussock moth cocoon. It was at our garage door.

This is a Fruit and Flower Chafer (Trichiotinus assimilis).
A different flower chafer (Cetoniinae) in a Winecup (Callirhoe involucrata).

Closer view! Pollen sticking like styrofoam peanuts!
Keep looking!
I love crab spiders but the cute face on the jumping spider is best. And love the pollen on the chafer.
Judy, I agree that the jumping spider is a cutey! Sometimes the bold jumping spider has orange spots!
I had a great little yellow crab spider on my coreopsis catch a pretty gray geometer moth the other day but I didn't get a picture. good stuff!!
Claire, The crab spiders are pretty good hunters, eh! So cool yes!