Barnett Ranch

 Today I went on a NPAT (Native Prairies Association of Texas) field trip to the historic Barnett Ranch. The Barnett family has operated the cattle ranch since around 1887. The Barnett Ranch is recognized as a Family Land Heritage Ranch. 
Before we headed out to see the ranch, we saw his barn.
Skip told us that this barn was new. He had used a lot of wood from the old barns that had been blown down in a wind storm.

Old saddles.

One cowboy was still up in the rafters after a wild party!

Wet stone grinding wheel. Looks like it had sharpen a few knifes in its day!

There is over 1200 acres on the Barnett Ranch!
Fringed Puccoon!

The native grasses and forbs filled the land.

A beetle under the cow patty!

Millipede and roly-poly found under another cow patty!

Ten Petaled Anemone!

Heart urchin fossils!

Skullcap was blooming!

Chishom trail cattle drives in Denton County would had gone through part of the ranch. Skip Barnett showed us the ruts that still are visible to this day. The cattle went through the area between 1860s to the 1880s on the way to the Kansas market. 

On the edge of a limestone ravine!

Skip said they used to raise pigs…maybe a fossilized pig nose LOL!

Beautiful ammonite!

The Cretaceous geology was so wonderful!

The Texas Bluestars were really going big time!

As I started down to the ravine in a more woodsy area, I saw a female cardinal hastily fly away from her nest!  Four eggs! What a way to end the tour!
It was a most beautiful day! Some saw a Crested Caracara! I did not 🙁   However, I did see several Swainson’s Hawks, a Red-tailed Hawk, vultures, a few meadowlarks, and a couple of sparrows. If you get the opportunity don’t pass up a chance to visit the Barnett Ranch and their beautiful Fort Worth Prairie!


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  1. Suzanne, I was so glad I was finally able to see the Barnett Ranch. Looking forward to seeing it again in another season. Thanks for putting the tour together!

  2. I love the Barnett Ranch. This takes me back to the multiple times i went with Fonda & Marshall. After the group tour the three of us would go off and explore even more. Such a varied set of ecosystems too. Love his antique collection. Is this barn the one with the long bar, antique toys behind the bar and interesting bathrooms? Next time you go there, please invite Fonda. It will bring back memories of Marshall also.

  3. Kathy, Skip wants us to return in June. I'll definitely alert Fonda, and will pick her up if needed. Thanks for the heads up.

  4. Kathy, Yes, the barn had a bar and toys. I didn't use the bathroom, but sounds like I should go check it out.

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