I saw my FOS towhee on the grasslands yesterday! I could not see which towhee species.

Tiny and FOS spiderwort!

This looks to be where the hogs bellies rub as they step over the log. At least that is what we thought. Jeanne should know. She has too many at her house.

I can see a scary creature in this root.

This Carolina Buckhorn root was gnarly!

We found morel mushrooms. Can you find the three in the photo?

We did not take them but let them do their thing.

Surprisingly to us, the hogs had not gotten them. We found 8-10 morels in total.

Downed log shows signs that a woodpecker used it while it was upright.

Red slime mold on the Eastern Red Cedar.

What mythical creature do you see?

The ants were busy extricating the rotten wood from inside the log.

Texas Yellow Star (Lindheimera texana). Correction! Thanks Suzanne for catching this. It should be Yellow Star-grass (Hypoxis hirsuta) Texas Yellow Star is much hairier, wider leaves, and the petals are toothed. Oops!

Texas Bluestar was on the neighboring property. Maybe it is something that the cows like? The cows were in the area recently.

And finally the spittlebugs are back!
The grasslands are a wonderful place to see nature!
I see a giant not at all scary spider. Kinda cute. But no mythical creature. What do you see? Morels are beautiful.
A good day!!
Suzanne, Thanks so much for catching the Yellow Star-grass error!
Mary, you're welcome!