Banded snake

The Redbuds are going like gangbusters!

The creek was much wider than other creeks we have been going to lately.

Ground-plum (Astragalus crassicarpus) is an interesting plant. It has fruit that resembles a small plum.

The flowers are really pretty. This plant is a legume.
Never tire of the roots along the banks!
There was quite a bit of Cursed Crowfoot or Celery-leaved Buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus) in the wide part of the creek where we started. Maybe we will be back to see it bloom.

Carolina Buckthorn leaves were such a vibrant green.

Creek view from the top!

There were actually quite a few of the Missouri Violets along the creek.

Close up.

This little White Checkered-skipper did it best to blend in.

This frog sure did blend in!

Cow vertebra. You often run across their bones on the grasslands. I like the reddish color on this one.

Banded snake??? NOT! It was a root in the creek. I had to take a close look to see that it was not a snake.

Oh yeah, did I tell you we found the Spring Coralroot! 🙂
More tomorrow on what we saw.
Keep looking!
What a day!!