Three Sisters
This is the second part of our prairie scouting trip on Saturday. This is the Three Sisters farm. David told us he acquired the land in 1991. He named it Three Sisters for his three daughters. Nice name! The land was not in very good shape. David has been trying to restore it. He has planted five acres plots with some not so successful and some that did well over the years. It is still a work in progress. If you check the Ft. Worth Chapter of the Native Prairies Association of Texas blog, he said he will keep us up-to-date on his progress. Go David!

This is part of David’s prairie. Looks very golden in the dampness.

Fallen log with Turkeytail shelf fungus.

A puffball fungus.

Tiny shiny brown gilled mushroom.

Crust fungus from the underside of a fallen log.

A tiny cricket was also underneath. It is just off center to the right.

Round-headed Bush Clover (Lespedeza capitata) really stood out!

Turban Lichen (Cladonia peziziformis) found on a fallen cedar. I don’t ever recall finding this species on cedar.

The color really pops on this lichen! I’m not sure of the species.

White fungus on the underside of this fallen log. Fungus is such an important part of the ecosystem.

Young grasshopper, possibly a Mermiria species.

This puffball fungus has purple spores. It also has a flattop. I’m not sure but it might be a Calvatia cyathiformis.

Beautiful moss! Moss can often be found on the ground in the prairie among the grasses and forbs.

Meadowlark feathers. Mourning Dove feathers were found as well.

Croton species.

Pretty tiny mushroom!

A polypore fungus! Pretty cool!

This fungus was also on the same cedar. I’m not sure if it the same fungus as above; maybe just younger.

This one was interesting the way it wrapped around the knob.

Closer view.
Orange crustose lichen.

The group walking in David’s prairie. It was a great day despite the damp weather. The prairie supports a lot of life from the grasses, forbs, fungus, critters, and so much more. Thank you David for sharing your wonderful prairie!

This huge burl was on road near David’s farm. Pretty awesome, eh!
Thank you all for joining me on the Prairie Seeker’s scouting tour! I always enjoy a good outing! Thank you to David, Carol and Richard for sharing their prairies with us!
Looks like you had a great tour!
You documented lots of good things! I liked the light that day; it seems to have enhanced your photos.