Night shift
I am not a night person. My Dad was. He worked the night shift my whole childhood at the St. Louis airport. But a lot goes on while I sleep. Sometimes I hear the night shift calling when I go to bed or when I get up early.

A wildlife camera can let you get a sneak peak into night life without having to stay up. Here is an armadillo visits our water feature in our woods.

A stripe-less skunk.

Coyotes can be heard yipping sometimes near the house.

I saw a opossum the other morning, when I had to go out before dawn with Gracie.

A raccoon.

Even the squirrels are busy in the night. My photos of the night crew were taken a few years back but the photos below were all recent.

Jeanne caught this bobcat on her game camera. Her setup is to monitor for the feral hogs. That’s the pen behind the bobcat.

Kathy has her game camera setup too. She has this totally white skunk! Pretty cool!

Kathy had a Axis deer die on her farm near Fredericksburg. She decided to set up her game camera to see what came to eat the dead deer. This ringtail came for a meal. FYI, we don’t have ringtails up here in Wise County.

Racoons visited it as well.

Here a racoon and fox in the same photo.

A Great Horn Owl wanted a piece of it too!

Another shot of the owl. So the dead deer has given a lot of life.

Sometimes our security camera catches life too like this alien life form LOL.

The sky was blue again today! Yeah! That dust yesterday was awful.

Gracie, the anemometer. The wind was not so bad either, but was colder.

I found this spotless Convergent Lady beetle out and about today.
Thank you for the use of your photos Jeanne and Kathy!
Keep looking!
Good Gracie. Neat night pics! Coyotes with the glowing eyes are my favorite.
I like the ringtail cat. What fun night cameras are.
I'm surprised ringtail cats aren't found in Wise County. We had them at the Fort Worth Nature Center and it's not that far away.