A little wet
We got a little wet this afternoon. So far .1 inch. I ain’t complaining; brings out the color in so much.

I believe this is probably a Firedot lichen (Caloplaca species) and a Xanthoria species (the yellowish one) on a old fence post.

Bristle grass (Setaria species) with Little Bluestem grass (Schizachyrium scoparium).

Closeup. I am not sure if this a native species or not but it is pretty.

With the damp day, the moss stands to attention. This is Seductive Entodon Moss (Entodon seductrix) and is a common moss in our area. Correction: This is Leucodon julaceus probably. Also another common moss in our area. Thanks Jeanne!

Another pareidolia…I see a critter with two ears.
I see a cat with big eyes and whiskers. And that lichen is other worldly. Beautiful picture.
Beautiful day!