Sunshine is back!
Yeah, for the sunshine I say but of course grateful for the rain we got.
The wood of a dead Live Oak (Quercus fusiformis). Kinda of an oxymoron, eh.
A few scales left on the armadillo tail.
Snake skin in our garden pond.
The Loggerhead Shrike has a new item on its menu…the field cricket (Gryllus genus).
A stinkhorn (Phallus hadriani) was knocked over. You can see it is hollow and spongey-like.
I don’t know what is going with these Blackburn’s Earth-boring Beetles (Geotrupes blackburnii). It is like they have been drinking the hard stuff. I thought this afternoon they would be gone and at the very least livelier, since it has warmed up (62 degrees at my house). There are over 20 these beetles in 6 foot area.
Really weird about the beetles. Like the dead wood!