Part I of LBJ grasslands…fungus!
We found some amazing mushrooms and of course I can’t ID most of them. Maybe someday, just not today. For now I just trying to match the photos and what I can understand in the description to match. I have been relying on the book Mushrooms of the Gulf Coast States by Alan and Arleen Bessette and David P Lewis mostly. Even though in this book they give spores sizes, I am not collecting them.

This bolete bruises blue green. It took a full minute for the stem to change colors.

Shelf polypore fungus

Chanterelles mushrooms

This was a delightful tiny gilled mushroom.

The stem seemed almost glass like in looks. Notice the stem is not totally solid.

Blue gray mold

A nest of bolete mushrooms

Maybe the fairies have fun here??

Old Man of the Woods (Strobilomyces strobilaceus)

This was a new one for me of the Larctarius or Lactifluus species. Latex leaks out when damaged. Ok, I scraped it.

I believe this maybe the Corrugated bolete or Horton’s bolete (Xerocomus hortonii old name-Boletus hortonii). The cap is described as corrugated or pitted. I thought this matched.

This was a lovely shade of pink and white gilled mushroom. It sorta looks like Variable Pholiota (Pholiota polychroa).

The bluish color on the shelf polypore so a fungus on a fungus

Weird shape bolete mushroom. Sorta resembles a skull I thought.

This was another great find! A tentative ID is Yellow Blusher (Amanita flavorubescens)

Look closely at the hole in the veil.

And now look again. There was a small beetle in there. Might be a Shiny Flea beetle (Asphaera lustrans) on right side of the stem between the veil and the gills
Very cool!! The yellow one with beetle in it is my favorite.