A bright day
Arkansas Yucca seedpod (Yucca arkansana).
Vine twists up the Hackberry tree.
Crustose fungus doing its job!
Close up.
Bedstraw (Galium aparine) has started to pop out. It is an annual. I have read that it was used in bedding. The plant will cling to you with its hairs. I have found several species of caterpillars on it in the spring.
Meadowlark breast feather next to a tiny yellow foliose lichen.
Another Arkansas yucca seedpod that was missing two-thirds of its pod. I like the pattern inside the pod.
Female Purple Finch.
Dark-eyed Junco.
At the feeder station.
She came in too.
Keep looking!
A good day!
Juncos are so delicately beautiful.