Did you guess where we were headed after the Garnett Preserve? The hint is in the title. LOL
Now we were back on track for DQ! Well, almost until we spotted a new road. So more of the prairie has been divided into large lots. Thus a new road was built. Of course we couldn’t let the road passed by. 😉
Now it was time for that DQ. Yum! In fact I believe we deserved a DQ treat!
This summer the two-leaf senna, buffalo bur, partridge pea, frogfruit, greeneyes and spreading sida were drought champions around here. Everyone should get these into their yards ASAP. The disco snail parasite is horrifying creepy but I can’t look away. And it was BLIZZARD TIME!
Disco snail is crazy – how do people find d these?
I’ve wondered before why birds build under some bridges and not others. Must be a good reason. Prairie verbena sure is pretty.
This summer the two-leaf senna, buffalo bur, partridge pea, frogfruit, greeneyes and spreading sida were drought champions around here. Everyone should get these into their yards ASAP. The disco snail parasite is horrifying creepy but I can’t look away. And it was BLIZZARD TIME!
Yes, the native plants definitely rule!!!! And nature certainly is so crazy and wonderful!