
We were all enjoying the beautiful day. The target plant genus is Baptisia. It is a legume. And several species are possible in Fannin County. However, I did not know which one might be on the Caddo NG. Another question, would we be able to spot the dead plants? However, it was a beautiful day. And there was only one to find out and that was to try.

If you recall in yesterday’s post, we had done about 15 acres going at our usual slow pace. Jeanne had her eye out for mosses as well. Indeed, we were all just seeing interesting stuff per our usual. On a charred log we found this colorful lichen or it could be a non-lichenized fungus.

Up close, it was even more beautiful! We continued on with the Baptisia search.

Spring Beauty!

Round-headed Bush Clover (Lespedeza capitata) was scattered here and there.

Next, I found this foliose lichen.

Then Alan (who was ahead of the rest of us) found a plant with this seed pod. Eureka! Alan had found the first Baptisia plant.

It matched the description for Wild Yellow Indigo (Baptisia sphaerocarpa)!

Of course I searched under the dead stalks for new spring growth. I was not certain but this maybe tiny Baptisia coming up.

Bringing home a small sample of the pods and leaves to further confirm my identification.

Every thing pointed to Wild Yellow Indigo (Baptisia sphaerocarpa)! These are the seeds and marks are millimeters.

Now that the first plant had been found, the next question was how big was the patch? According to Brenda Smith (University of Oklahoma) says the Frosted Elfins would need at least ten plants in a patch to sustain it. Tomorrow’s post will reveal what we found 🙂

Scientists say eating insects might be a way to help the planet

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


  1. Looks like youre on your way to getting a job done. Eating insects sounds like a good idea tho i dont think i could ever do it.

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