More Aqua Creatures

More Aqua Creatures

Here are the last ones I looked at from the ephemeral creek. Mesmerizing! At least to me. LOL. Speedy water mite! Yes, there are water mites. They eat similar things as their terrestrial cousins. And here they are together! What a fun time at the puddle and so many life forms! Rare Endangered Lynx Spotted…

More From the Puddle

More From the Puddle

I know you have been holding your breath for more from the puddle. 🙂 As I waited for Jeanne’s return with the container I observed more. Watch quick. The water strider skates through! This little worm wiggled by and several other UAs (unidentified animals). It might be an aquatic earthworm (Oligochaeta). However some worms are…