Night at the Park

Night at the Park

Well I am not by nature much of a night person. However when at a park I can not resist doing a little bit of night viewing. Especially since I have a UV light. So just imagine what all the nocturnal creatures see every night. Blows my mind every time! Birds with backpacks to help…

Mammals glow

Mammals glow

Warning: There is a photo of a dead mammal to follow. I had read that our opossums fluorescence with UV light. In fact, I have been waiting for just such an opportunity to shine my UV torch on one, alive or dead. So alive was preferable, but I don’t often see live ones at night,…

Out the backdoor

Out the backdoor

My little garden this year is just ten steps from the backdoor. This is the first time in years that I have tried to grow anything. It is mostly a tomato garden with a couple of onions. Somehow a smartweed or knotweed decided to join the ‘maters. Of course, I left them because it was…