What’s new today…

What’s new today…

A few of my favorite things at home today. Definitely always fun to watch the locomotion of a caterpillar’s walk! Here the Hackberry Emperor most likely was hunting for a place to pupate. It was on an Post Oak. Hope y’all saw some good nature today as well! 🙂 Bright white lights are a buzzkill…

Personal space

Personal space

When photographing the critters, it pays to go very slow as you approach. Sometimes they will stay put, but more often than not they leave. There are lots of missed shots when going in for the close shot. 🙂 Hey we all have a personal space right? Weird, Rare, and Everywhere Keep looking! The more…



The prescribed burns have started on the grasslands. So you may want to check before going. Today’s burn was on unit 31. Jeanne took this video a few days ago of a jumping spider with its prey, a stinkbug. Love nature in action! Thanks Jeanne! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see…



The winter season offers up wonders of nature. And things are easier to see with most of the leaves fallen. Paleontologists May Have Solved the Mystery Behind a Prehistoric Reptile Graveyard Deep sea creatures: the amazing under-explored part of the world Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you…

Red cap

Red cap

Dec 19th was not as cold as today and yesterday. However, we still had to bundle up on that outing. Photos from today below. Of course, I had to sit and watch the birds from inside the warm house today. Climate Change Will Result in More Rainbows Glass Frogs Turn Transparent When They Sleep… By…

Foggy but no rain

Foggy but no rain

Today was First Wednesday. So certainly people were put off by the rain forecasted and opted not to come. However, it was the perfect day! Some low clouds and fog made it just wonderful day to be at the grasslands. Also we tallied 20 bird species! Additionally, we learned from NEON field technicians about the…

Moving on

Moving on

After observing the birds for forty-five minutes, the birds moved on. So we did too. Another fabulous day at the grasslands! Just Like Humans – More Intelligent Jays Have This Characteristic Oxford scientists crack case of why ketchup splatters from near-empty bottle Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more…



Maybe after feasting at your tables and giving thanks, maybe some of you took a walk to be thankful for nature. I try to be thankful every day. Now to continue on with the discoveries from the Nov. 22th outing. How the Formerly Ubiquitous Pumpkin Became a Thanksgiving Treat World’s heaviest flying bird uses plants…

Crystal ball

Crystal ball

It was a grand day on the grasslands. Sights and treasures were abounding! The light brown one is a millipede. The other more lively one is a centipede. To tell the difference between the two, check how many legs are on each segment. Two per section on a millipedes and only one per on the…

The yard

The yard

So saying we have a yard anymore, is well, a bit of stretch. We are blessed to live in the country where there are no rules for the “yard”. Thus, we only mow just enough to keep most of the tall plants (grasses and other forbs) about ten to twenty feet from the house these…