Muted afternoon colors

Muted afternoon colors

Yesterday, I posted the skunk’s scientific name, Mephitis mephitis. So this morning I decided to look up the meaning of the name. First I tried to break the word down. Me is Latin for “not:. However I could not find anything for phitis. The Google search kept trying to make it photo LOL. Next I…

Mephitis mephitis

Mephitis mephitis

The early morning light is always so beautiful! And we managed to get the first walk of the day while the sun was rising. The winners of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards will brighten your day Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Berries to thorns

Berries to thorns

We did not stay long in the creek bottom as I needed to head back to the house. Surely when time allows, we will head back to further explore the area. The world’s largest organism is slowly being eaten by deer Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you…

Along a creek

Along a creek

If you have been following along with my posts, you know we almost always end up in a gully or creek. That day was no exception LOL. The following is what we found that day along the creek. A fossilized egg laid by an extinct, human-sized turtle holds a rare jackpot Macro Photos Reveal the…



The understory of the woods are filled with delightful sights. I bet that is why we like to explore it! Even Tiny, Very Hungry Caterpillars Have a Large Impact on Carbon Emissions Hundreds of Millions of Birds Have Vanished Across Europe in The Last 40 Years Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…



Yesterday morning was a grasslands day! Yahoo! I need my grasslands fix or is it just a nature fix? Whatever it is, definitely is something I need. Eerie video captures elusive, alien-like squid gliding in the Gulf of Mexico First-Ever mRNA Vaccine for Lyme Disease Shows Promise in Guinea Pigs Keep looking! The more you…

Fall leaves

Fall leaves

It was a cool crisp start to the day this morning with a low of 42. However tomorrow morning may be a bit nippy-er. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Yum for the spider

Yum for the spider

Can I find anything at home of interest? Of course I can! Here are today’s finds! Snakes Diversified Explosively After the Dinosaurs Were Wiped Out 66 Million Years Ago The Moon’s Top Layer Has Enough Oxygen To Sustain 8 Billion People for 100,000 Years Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and…

No dogs

No dogs

On the first visit to the grasslands, we took the dogs with us. However on this day, we went without the dogs so we could go down in the ravine. This Colorado ‘solar garden’ is literally a farm under solar panels Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you…