Yesterday’s outing

Yesterday’s outing

What a wonderful damp day today. And it looks like a similar forecast for the next few days. I do hope it does not interfere with any Thanksgiving (Thankful) Day plans you may have. 🙂 More to come tomorrow from yesterday’s outing! The true, dark history of Thanksgiving In addition, to Thanksgiving there are two…

A Frosty Morning (Nov. 17th)!

A Frosty Morning (Nov. 17th)!

T’was a frosty morning on November 17th! However, it soon warmed up and was the perfect day for collecting plants. In addition to the aforementioned plants, I collected these as well; Willow-leaf Sunflower, skullcap, Hypericum, seeds of Silphium laciniatum. Now I just hope to keep them alive. Wish me luck! 🙂 Today, November 20 was…

Snow in the valley

Snow in the valley

Hold on, wait a minute! Your citrus in the Texas Valley is safe for now. But what about here in North Texas overnight? Our low was 32 degrees this morning. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Its alive!

Its alive!

We were almost to the woods now. It was alive! The Green Lacewing (Chrysopidae) larva was wearing its camo clothing. Very effective don’t you think? Last part of the November 10th in the next post! The World’s Largest Tree Is Ready for its Close-Up Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and…

Lots of Hexapods

Lots of Hexapods

I was still searching for the Thurber’s Pilostyles. However we had enough of bending over. So down we went towards the woods. Between the barrens and the woods, additional treasures were found. Even though it was a cool morning, many hexapods (six-legged arthropods) were out. Don’t let a cool morning stop you from exploring. In…

Cool morning

Cool morning

Yes, the temperature was cool on November 10th. However, I find it “cool” to be on the barrens anytime. 🙂 Evolution of the tree roots may have caused mass extinction 300 million years ago Document Detectives Use Smudges and Bloodstains to Investigate the Past For More Than 60 Years, Indigenous Alaskans Have Hosted Their Own…



After going to visit in Oregon, I am always ready to get home. There is certainly no shortage of treasures here. November 10th was the last warmish day before the cold front came through. And Jeanne and I took advantage of the day! We headed out to the LBJ grasslands. Everyone try to stay warm…

Part II of  Mt. Tabor Park

Part II of Mt. Tabor Park

This is definitely a place I would love to spend more than an hour. A great time was had at Mt. Tabor Park. Indeed, I look forward to visiting again someday! Whooping Cranes Spotted on the Texas Coast During Annual Migration Margaret Hamilton: Pioneering Software Engineer Who Saved the Moon Landing Keep looking! The more…

A Weekend trip

A Weekend trip

Over the weekend, we traveled to Portland Oregon. And we were able to squeeze in a quick trip to Mt. Tabor Park. Here are a few of the wonderful things we saw. Tomorrow, I will show a few more of our finds! Famous Beaver Dams May Help Lessen Climate Change Damage to Water Quality Keep…