Fibonacci spirals

Fibonacci spirals

This morning I read this article, 400-Million-Year-Old Fossil Upends Our Understanding of Fibonacci Spirals in Nature. With the article fresh on my mind, of course I had to go look outside. The Clear Lake Chapter Native Plant Society of Texas recently had a presentation (June 12th) on “The Fibonacci Sequence in Nature and Native Plants”….

What’s new today…

What’s new today…

A few of my favorite things at home today. Definitely always fun to watch the locomotion of a caterpillar’s walk! Here the Hackberry Emperor most likely was hunting for a place to pupate. It was on an Post Oak. Hope y’all saw some good nature today as well! 🙂 Bright white lights are a buzzkill…



Before I forget (again) Kathy and Jerry shared some photos with me. And now I am sharing with you. 🙂 Now back to the title of this post, catenary. This was a new term for me this morning. A physicist, an architect, an engineer or a mathematician (to mention a few) would know the term….

Lost gloves

Lost gloves

In my haste yesterday from the wet and cold, I forgot my leather gloves behind. However, I did a quick look before I left yesterday. Nada. Today I decided to go back to hunt for them. So I returned with a gps point from the photo with the Ground Mantis which was the place I…



What a surprise for me when I went out to the grasslands this morning. It was 70 degrees when we took our morning walk at the house. However when I reached my chosen mesa later in the morning I was sorry I had only worn my lightweight shirt. I almost came home. But since I…

Water hole

Water hole

Ah, the summer heat has arrived! Many of you may have a favorite water hole to get refreshed. We have a small pond in our back field that will hold water. Certainly it will not last the summer if there is no rain. However we do provide water for the critters at a couple different…

Seems cool?

Seems cool?

Well, it will seem cool in hind sight when the temperature reaches the forecasted high of 101 on Wednesday eh? Just saying. Although as we were out working in the field after lunch today it quickly seemed hot. 😉 Now that I have seen the leafhopper characteristics, I should check out the planthoppers sometime. Maybe…

Tied down

Tied down

Where is that rain? This was a really weird critter that caught my eye in our garden pond. Oh my what was it? I had no clue other than it was a larva of some sort. Thanks to my entomologist it was narrowed down to a Horse Fly (Tabaninae) larva. Further investigation led me to…

Wanted: Dead or not alive

Wanted: Dead or not alive

There are several non-native thistles that have been spreading in Texas for a number of years. Most thistles you will see on the grasslands are native. They are great plants that are used by many pollinators. I have previous shown you the Painted Lady butterflies that uses our native thistles for a host plant. Good…