Sandy Maintenance Road

Sandy Maintenance Road

So many of the areas on both the LBJ and Caddo National Grasslands have had a lot of disturbance. Some plants will thrive in those areas. Today’s post is back at the Caddo NG. Haunting Sounds From The World’s Largest Living Thing Recorded There’s an Awkward Link Between Plastic Production And Pollution We’re Not Considering…



The collection for mosses and liverworts was a great success. Not many bryophytes have been recorded in Cooke County. Jeanne will have a lot of identifications ahead of her and lots to add to the known records! Wylie later told us that he thought the Texas Buckeye was common. Well, it certainly was not to…

Sphaerocarpos texanus

Sphaerocarpos texanus

Yesterday I visited two different units at the LBJNG. The first place I went to was a unit where I just wanted a clearer and closer look at the Texas Balloonwort (Sphaerocarpos texanus) male specimen. And it wasn’t enough for me just to see in the field so I collected a specimen (with permission of…

Down in the Gully

Down in the Gully

After being up in the open I moved down into a small gully. The RX burn had opened it up with the brush burnt back. Leap Day! So it is like a free day for the year. I hope that you used it wisely. Indeed I did! Tomorrow I will share my Leap Day’s adventure….

Fossil Hill (part 1)

Fossil Hill (part 1)

Fossil Hill in Montague County is very magical place to visit. Jeanne and Wayne are the land stewards of this beautiful private property. So if you get an opportunity to go on a field trip there, jump at the chance. In fact, your next chance to get in on a field trip will be April…

A new ant

A new ant

Ok, I know you are dying to know, did I stay out of the mud. Well, I did manage to not get any mud on my shoes at this point. So my goal number one was still on track. 😉 Of course, staying out the mud was easy in the leaf litter of the woods….

Blue Bucket

Blue Bucket

A few more of our found things from Thursday. Some good and some not. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

What do you see?

What do you see?

Pareidolia is the tendency for the perception to impose visually an object, a pattern or meaning when there is none. But maybe there is something there. 😉 Just saying. LOL. All types of plastics now recyclable thanks to two companies Mysterious Patterns Span The Arabian Desert, And We May Finally Know Why Seven of the…

March 30th

March 30th

On March 30th, it was a cold afternoon and had rained the night before. So the Ladonia Unit would have been very muddy. Instead we opted to check the northern units at Caddo NG. This Ancient Owl Hunted in the Daytime Flamingo No. 492 Is Still on the Run 17 Years Later Keep looking! The…

No data day

No data day

Today was the last day of this part of the Frosted Elfin survey. I was very happy with our results. Thank you to Jeanne, Alan, and Laura for your help in this phase of the Frosted Elfin survey! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more…