Roof Repair

Roof Repair

Where was the sunshine today? I mean the temp didn’t change much at all today. Additionally unlike the 87f yesterday, the afternoon high was about 49F! Then after lunch Jim was ready to start the roof repair. And of course I said yes! How Negro History Week Became Black History Month Polar bears have unique…

A Day at the Park

A Day at the Park

What a lovely day to visit one of my favorite state parks, Ft. Richardson State Park in Jacksboro, TX! Hope y’all enjoyed this first day of February! TPWD Finalizes Purchase of 2,020 Acres Near Colorado Bend State Park Scientists Discover Hidden “Highways” That Connect Brazil’s Rainforests How Some Trees Evolved to Birth Live Young Keep…



Did your rain bucket tip the scale? Well, we certainly did. Though not as much as forecasted. However I am not going to complain with our 0.6″! Hope everyone got a nice amount! Now you may be getting more lichen stuff in the near future as I actually have started keying some that I have…

Sunny Afternoon

Sunny Afternoon

My afternoon was open. Of course I had to get out to the grasslands on this sunny and relatively warm day before the cold arrives Saturday. Plus I wanted to check on a few friends. Hope y’all got out today. If not maybe tomorrow, eh. 🙂 Meteorite Crash in Canada Is Caught by Home Security…

Down the Gully

Down the Gully

Continuing on now with the outing on January 4th. The snow kinda delayed this post LOL. This gully was on the far side of a pond. The bank at this point were not steep. So we could easily find our way in. 99% accurate wind detection achieved with hummingbird-inspired biomimetic wings Study Confirms: Syphilis Was…



Oh goodness, it was a wonderful snow day! Well, unless you had to travel in it, but I didn’t. So fun fun fun! Furthermore I was anxious to see what kind of photos I could get with my phone. So it took me over an hour to get the flake photos. And the cold fingers…

To See Roots

To See Roots

Onwards we went! Another gully was just a round the bend. So you know where we headed next. 🙂 Got your bird feeders filled for predicted snow tomorrow? Mine are! Thought To Be Loners, Snakes Coordinate Hunts Together, Study Finds Thanks Jeanne! Walnut Trees’ 40-Million-Year-Old Secret: How They Switch Genders Every Season Keep looking! The…

First First First

First First First

So what did you do yesterday on January 1st? Well, the First Wednesday group headed out for the first hike on the first day of the year! And what splendid weather! Indeed what a wonderful day to spend with a great group! So thank you all for joining me on the first hike on the…

Bromide Springs

Bromide Springs

It was time to move on to the next destination. It was 3 o’clock and Claire needed to head back home. It had been so much fun to have her explore with us on Saturday (14th) and Sunday (15th). And Happy Holidays! Mistletoe Actually Has a Surprisingly Powerful Healing Effect A Jurassic Family Reunion: 50…

Bromide Hill Lookout!

Bromide Hill Lookout!

The Bromide Hill Lookout was a new part of the park I had not been to before. Definitely worth the stop! How the Arrival of an Endangered Bird Indicates What’s Possible for the L.A. River Scientists Discover Oldest Modern Lizard Fossil, Shaking Up Evolutionary History Christmas Monsters: Our Favorite Reads Keep looking! The more you…