A Weekend trip

A Weekend trip

Over the weekend, we traveled to Portland Oregon. And we were able to squeeze in a quick trip to Mt. Tabor Park. Here are a few of the wonderful things we saw. Tomorrow, I will show a few more of our finds! Famous Beaver Dams May Help Lessen Climate Change Damage to Water Quality Keep…

Lichen, food for thought

Lichen, food for thought

What is a lichen? A lichen is made up of fungus and other components like algae or cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). In addition, there are yeasts and chemical components. Lichenologists like to say, a lichen is a fungus that has turned to farming. The fungus uses the algae or cyanobacteria to get its nutrients. If you…

Crystal ball

Crystal ball

It was a grand day on the grasslands. Sights and treasures were abounding! The light brown one is a millipede. The other more lively one is a centipede. To tell the difference between the two, check how many legs are on each segment. Two per section on a millipedes and only one per on the…



The ravine proved to be tangled in Greenbriar and other thick vegetation. So instead we crossed the ravine to continue on. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Safety Zone

Safety Zone

Unit 47 (Black Creek Lake) at the LBJ National Grasslands is designated as a no shooting zone. So even in the upcoming hunting season, no shooting is allowed. Today, I was invited by Elm Fork chapter master naturalists, Jerry H. and Jeanne for a scouting trip. It probably has been ten plus years since I…

Lost Creek

Lost Creek

The Lost Creek Trail is the name of trail we walked on at Ft. Richardson SP. There are several other trails to select from as well. Some day, maybe I will get to all them. New study figures out why mosquitos’ targeting system is ‘essentially unbreakable’ Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…

More from Ft. Richardson SP

More from Ft. Richardson SP

Yesterday, I told you about Gracie’s fun which included a lot of sniffing! I certainly do not possess an olfactory organ that is worth a hoot, even for a human. LOL. So of course, my fun is more of a visual thing. Amazonian ‘zombie’ fungus bursts through fly’s body in grisly, contest-winning photo Keep looking!…

We did good by Gracie

We did good by Gracie

As most of you know Gracie is showing her age. She will be thirteen in October. So of course she is slowing down. It has become hard for her to even get in the car. Of course, we have a ramp for her and guide her up as well. And it takes two of us…



It was a great day (June 22) on the drive-about. Certainly is always enjoyable to see my plant friends even if it is hot. Anyway, that is a good reason for a drive-about don’t you think? When Is The Latest Sunset of 2022? Hint: Not The Solstice Keep looking! The more you know, the more…