May 9th

May 9th

May 9th was the last field day. Then we will go back a few days next week. And that will conclude the survey season at the Caddo NG. Indeed always new things to see and learn. And perhaps next week we can make it to the creek. Wild Find: Fossil Captures 155-Million-Year-Old Brittle Star Mid-Regeneration…



The phylum Arthropoda are the invertebrates. Moreover this group comprises (by some estimates) over 97% of the animal species on our planet! Therefore take a moment to soak that in. They are the animals that have: three or more pairs of jointed legs (some mites have less, many insect larvae have none), body segmented, bilaterally…

Party or Wake?

Party or Wake?

We continued next to the lake for just a little while longer. Then we moved into the woods. Why you should let insects eat your plants Thanks Claire! Rewilding a New Jersey college with native plants and pollinators Hidden Complexity: Unlocking the Mysteries of Orangutan Communication Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…

Hard to Find

Hard to Find

Our goal this survey season was to locate more patches of the Oklahoma Grasspink (Calopogon oklahomensis). At this point we have not had any luck. That leaves us only one thing to do, just continue to have fun! 😉 Why my heart beats for Nigeria’s endangered bats Diana Wall obituary: ecologist who foresaw the importance…

Rainy Sunday

Rainy Sunday

Goodness what a rainy day, eh! Loved it! At press time we had gotten almost 2″! Now back to more from Caddo NG last week. These Snakes Fake Their Own Deaths, And They Even Use Special Effects Cloudy With a Chance of Eclipse: NASA’s GLOBE Project Illuminates 2024’s Celestial Phenomenon Keep looking! The more you…



Hard to believe that we found more fungi, eh. Well, maybe not but none quite as bizarre as in yesterday’s post. What a funday with the fun guys! Sperm whale communication secrets decoded by MIT scientists Lego-pushing bumblebees reveal insect collaboration dynamics  Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more…

Slick as Snot!

Slick as Snot!

Continuing along in the wet Fannin County on the Caddo NG. Bizarre, eh! More great treasures tomorrow! Angry Bees Produce Better Venom – Effective Treatment for Degenerative and Infectious Diseases Bizarre Bunnies Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Lucky Monday?

Lucky Monday?

Off we go heading into the deep woods looking for the orchids. Well, you wouldn’t think the orchids would be there but in many instances there are open glades to look at. Additionally, well you never know since the soil maps all say it is the right soil type. And now we just hoped the…

Hanging by a Thread!

Hanging by a Thread!

Jeanne and I are back in Fannin County continuing with my botany survey! And we started off at Bonham State Park once again. Here’s what we found on our hike on the trails. I told myself when we started the walk I was not going to photograph anything unless it was special. Well, as you…

Last Stuff

Last Stuff

Well not the last stuff ever. This is only the last treasures from the Caddo NG trip last week. LOL. Heck we will be heading back again next week for more surveying! 🙂 So much fun at Caddo NG! Resting up then back again in a few days…yahoo! New Research Reveals That Dinosaurs Were Not…