Happy Indigenous Day!

Happy Indigenous Day!

So what did you do today on Indigenous Peoples’ Day? Go shopping (it is Black Friday) or take a walk? You know what I did. 🙂 Additionally at our house we gathered with friends and family. Now to continue on with the outing on Tuesday the 26th. The Myths of the Thanksgiving Story and the…

A Day of Thanks

A Day of Thanks

A day to give thanks to our beautiful earth for providing us with so much! Perhaps it also should be a day to reflect on giving back. And thank you to our families and friends. Hope you had plenty to eat. Maybe you will need some nature time to walk off that turkey and pie?…

It Lives On!

It Lives On!

The recent days have been absolute perfect. Well, yesterday (25th) was a bit chilly, but that’s ok. Then you just appreciate the sunshine more right? An update from Colors Inside puffball that I had cut a wedge into. It produced and lives on! Yeah! After More Than a Century of Conservation Efforts, Why Can’t We…

Perfect Weather

Perfect Weather

At this point in the dry creek bed we were pretty much sticking together with Dale leading the way. He and Jeanne would call out each time they found another moss for collection. Indeed it was a great day for hunting bryophytes! Furthermore I would even say perfect weather on Wednesday (20th) for just about…

Stay on Task

Stay on Task

Indeed it was a busy week for me with two field adventures. Both were new places for me. The first one was the Stewart Ranch. And I can’t wait to go back in the future. The second trip was to another private property in Grayson County on Wednesday. So the Grayson County adventure starts here….

Colors Inside

Colors Inside

Fungi are really interesting to me. And even though some look similar on the outside there can be a range of colors inside. And since we have quite a few fungi puffballs now, I had to check them out. But only on the macro level and not microscopically. So much to discover each day! Unveiling…



Recently I looked up about when fungi evolved. And wow it was over a billion and half years ago. Hard to imagine the science behind that number. A fossilized fungus called Tortotubus was found to be 440 mya! Fungi, something to think about. 🙂 Fungi through the ages Rewriting Textbooks: Geologists Uncover New Secrets in…

Pick up the Pace

Pick up the Pace

This First Wednesday outing was a bit unusual because we ended up going two and half miles! By this time we were all getting a bit hungry. Well, in fact I was more than a bit hungry. And off we headed to lunch at the Greenwood store! A wonderful cool crisp morning helped all of…

Cool Crisp Morning

Cool Crisp Morning

On Wednesday morning a group of us gathered for the November First Wednesday. The cool crisp air was exactly what I needed. And the sunshine felt good too! It was a grand morning to be on the prairie! More tomorrow from the First Wednesday outing. Growing Food Instead of Lawns in California Front Yards Insect…

Focus Up Close

Focus Up Close

To get the big picture, don’t forget to look at the small stuff. Get up close or you will miss out! The world’s oldest tree? Genetic analysis traces evolution of iconic Pando forest Why are parrots so colorful? Study points to simple chemical tweak Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and…