

Seven nature nerds came for the First Wednesday outing at the LBJ NG. And this unit had a prescribed burn this year. In fact, it may have been the first burn ever done on this particular unit. And it certainly was looking mighty good! And thanks to the six other nature nerds for joining with…

Final Caddo NG Day

Final Caddo NG Day

Down to the last day at Caddo NG. Critters, lichens, fungi, and plants, we found them all. 🙂 In brief it was a week of wonderful finds at the Caddo National Grasslands! Completely Reassessing Our Understanding of Plant Domestication – Early Crop Plants Were More Easily “Tamed” Knotty by Nature: Blackworms and the Secrets of…



I love cats, well caterpillars of the Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) order. I mean they often are included in the Curry Foster Home collection. LOL. So think about all the good they do like pollination and food for others in the animal kingdom. So adorable, eh! The Trinity Forks chapter’s plant sale will have milkweeds and lots of…

New spaces available

New spaces available

The Curry Foster Home has had several pupae emerged. And now I have room for more. LOL Released! Actually, it hung around near the house for a few days. Certainly, it was going to lead a successfully life. 🙂 Scientists use tracking tech to uncover the secrets behind ants’ foraging Scientists unearth 230-million-year-old fossil of…

Little things

Little things

Finally, after four years, I had decided to go hunt for Earth-fruit or Tiny Tim (Geocarpon minimum) on the grasslands. It probably is/was a long shot, but hey its the journey right. So guess what, it is a very tiny plant as the name implies. There was a lot of time spent on my hands…

A New Bird for ME!

A New Bird for ME!

Oh goodness was it nice out today. So of course, I just had to go the grasslands. And I know you are dying to know what the bird was. 🙂 Winter is still here, however spring is trying its best to get its foot in the door. 🙂 He found a clam on a Florida…

Still Searching

Still Searching

On the west side of the ravine, I continued on with my search for emerging Trout Lilies. Of course, I had my eyes open for other good stuff. Suzanne shared a few of her trail photos from the Fairfield Lake State Park. Last chance to visit the park is Feb. 28th. Thanks Suzanne for the…

The Hackberry

The Hackberry

The humble Hackberry tree (Celtis) is often called a trash tree. In fact, this is so undeserved. True it is not good for lumber, but wow does it have other great qualities. The Hackberry can live 100-150 years, a great shade tree, and also tolerate air and soil pollutants. Moreover the wildlife love it! These…