Further We Go

Further We Go

Now that we had checked on the moss and the Jelly Babies it was time to explore further! Now the larva and the remainder of the gall segments went in a small glass vile. Perhaps some will mature. Then maybe I will find out what kind of friends they are. Fingers crossed. Ancient Observatory or…

Nearly Hidden

Nearly Hidden

Saturday morning I thought…last warmish day for awhile. Hmmm, I will see if Jeanne wanted to go out on short notice. Yes, she was in! Watch where you step! More tomorrow on Saturday’s outing. Insects in the Mail Have weeds met their match? Volcanic Activity Beneath Yellowstone’s Massive Caldera Could Be on The Move Keep…

Almost Everywhere

Almost Everywhere

A walk around the Pollinator Ranch with an eye to the ground. Schizophyllum commune (Split Gill) These ancient forests in China produce the world’s finest tea Identification of Mysterious Fossil Seed Solves 47,000-Year-Old Tar Pit Mystery The Iconic, One-Eyed ‘Queen of the Wolves’ Dies After Fight With Rival Pack in Yellowstone National Park Keep looking!…

Check In

Check In

So I told you that I was going to go back to check in with my moss friends, Funaria serrata. In fact I did. Now I will need to go back again to see the grasslands’ Funaria serrata and the Yellow Jelly Babies progress. FYI, I have even found the Funaria serrata here at home….

Winter Berries

Winter Berries

As the winter progresses it gets harder to find color. However the winter berries are a bright spot in the color scheme of the browns of winter. So the berries of winter are a delightful splash of color. Some are only for the wildlife. And some have been used and consumed by people for eons….

First First First

First First First

So what did you do yesterday on January 1st? Well, the First Wednesday group headed out for the first hike on the first day of the year! And what splendid weather! Indeed what a wonderful day to spend with a great group! So thank you all for joining me on the first hike on the…

Goodbye and Hello

Goodbye and Hello

It’s a new year! All fresh with new hopes that we all can do better for our planet. May it be a great year! How to see Earth’s shadow at sunrise and sunset Why does the New Year begin on January 1? Scientists Reveal Jaw-Dropping Secrets of Lizard and Snake Evolution Mysterious Cause of Massive…

Spring Soon?

Spring Soon?

Goodness another year has almost passed on. Here are a few pics from over past several days which includes foggy mornings and sunny days. Happy New Year’s Eve! Cheers to a new year! Hope we can explore, learn, and leave the earth in a better place. The 12,000-Year-Old Wolves That Ate Like Dogs Scientists Discover…

Look Down

Look Down

Over the holidays the weather has been wonderful with the rain and fairly warm weather. So of course I continued to go to the grasslands. Most days in the afternoon when it is a bit warmer. But some colder weather will be here tomorrow. Our high today was 79F! Walk slow and look down is…

Repeat Visit

Repeat Visit

Always something good can be found in nature. So I will go back again in a few days to see how they are progressing. Repeat visits are definitely not boring. 🙂 New Federal Grant For U.S. Hwy 64 Crossings Could Save Endangered Red Wolves And Other Wildlife Thanks Judy! Archaeologists Are Finding Dugout Canoes in…