Ahh, the Inner Kid

Ahh, the Inner Kid

Some of the most interesting and enlightening discoveries are sometimes made by someone just noticing the unusual. Though I have not made any of these big “things”. However I keep looking and having fun. Just my inner kid. LOL. A History of Total Solar Eclipses Seen by Astronauts From Outer Space First-of-Their-Kind Pics Capture The…



Jeanne has got the bug for collecting mosses. Well she has had the bug for several years. However, it has moved in high gear now. And of course I don’t want to miss out on these adventures too. Collecting off of a rock. As we put our knife blade under it we noticed the spores…

A Closer Look

A Closer Look

Yesterday was another really nice day in the field. This time I went with Jeanne, who is collecting mosses and liverworts for a researcher. So as you can imagine we saw a lot of green beautiful mosses and liverworts. Indeed, it was a fun afternoon getting a closer look! Zodiacal light best in dark skies…

Sphaerocarpos texanus

Sphaerocarpos texanus

Yesterday I visited two different units at the LBJNG. The first place I went to was a unit where I just wanted a clearer and closer look at the Texas Balloonwort (Sphaerocarpos texanus) male specimen. And it wasn’t enough for me just to see in the field so I collected a specimen (with permission of…

A Four Day Mystery

A Four Day Mystery

Gosh it was pretty out. Though it was a bit chilly. However I didn’t let that slow me down for going out to check on some plants at the grasslands. So after studying the keys in 3 or 4 books I concluded the plant was Slender Corydalis (Corydalis micrantha subsp. micrantha)! Other common names are…

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

We got 0.41 inches of rain yesterday. And I am grateful. However I have heard those of you south of our location got more. Lucky you! It was a mostly cloudy day here with just a short window of less cloudy weather around the time I took my noonish walk. Actually the sun came out…



Jerry shared a few of his photos yesterday. So first I will start by sharing a couple of Jerry’s photos with you. Now none of the above was about a relocation. Relocation efforts follow. 🙂 So a lot of folks worry about the aesthetics of the tent. Additionally the leaves that are eaten leave the…



Today was an absolutely beautiful day for the First Wednesday outing. As the “fishing guide”, I headed the group towards the Trout Lily (Erythronium mesochoreum) “fishing hole”. The “fishing” had been great! Celebrating Women Horticultural Heroes March 1-30 Why Does It Look Like This National Park Building in Alaska Is Sprouting Hair? Asian elephants mourn,…



So much is happening now it very hard to pick just one subject. 🙂 However, I managed to pick one today. LOL. Daddy Longlegs Have Been Hiding Extra Eyes From Us Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know



Many of you will know what FOS is shorthand for; first of season. Already there has been many FOS. So I have mentioned a few of them this season like the Cymopterus (January) and Black Swallowtails (March). As we transition from winter many plants and critters will be making their appearance. Exciting! And it will…