The Buzz

The Buzz

Even on a gray day you can find treasures to brighten your day! So now you have been buzzed too! Like people, elephants use names for each other Beware the Rise of Superweeds: Mowing’s Unintended Consequences Get Your Hands Dirty on International Mud Day June 29! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…



A reprieve from the heat today and I’m not complaining. 🙂 And so all of this was on just a couple of plants. Plus I had only barely stepped out the door. Lego-pushing bumblebees reveal insect collaboration dynamics  Stripey stick insects show evolution can repeat itself—predictably Arid Deserts Are Devouring Earth’s Rangelands, Threatening Billions Keep…

A Mystery

A Mystery

Who doesn’t like a good mystery? I do and that was what I worked on yesterday and today. And tho I spent most of the morning inside, of course I had to take my walks. The eyes and the mind do need a rest. It was fun to watch the water magnify it and stand…

Summer Has Arrived

Summer Has Arrived

Did you get out early this morning? We all knew summer was close at hand. 🙂 My weather says it felt like 105F (actually temp was 95F). And I agree. 🙂 All of my morning was inside. These photos are from a few days ago when I scouted for the First Wednesday. Stay cool! A…



In today’s blog post you might have to zoom in. 😉 Good luck! How did you do? Alien-Looking Species Seen For First Time Ever in Ocean’s Darkest Depths Trees And Shrubs Are Burying Prairies Of The Great Plains Thanks Claire! Lepidoptera species richness and community composition in urban street trees Keep looking! The more you…

More First Wed

More First Wed

We headed down the hill! Thanks to all that came and shared. It was another great First Wed! Six Texas freshwater mussels, the “livers of the rivers,” added to endangered species list Arid Deserts Are Devouring Earth’s Rangelands, Threatening Billions Forested Wetlands Are Missing from Maps Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…

Definitely June

Definitely June

How quickly the months come. And so it was another First Wednesday outing today! What a wet start to the first half of the year here in North Texas as it was for many of you. And when June comes the weather is heating up. Well we could use a stretch of dry weather. Ahhh,…

Stand Out

Stand Out

It was good to see some sunshine today! Though it was a slow start here at our house. It was noon before the clouds gave way to the sun. Happy Pride Month! Animals self-medicate with plants − behavior people have observed and emulated for millennia Studies find frequent mowing puts poisonous weed into survival mode,…

Book Paid for Itself

Book Paid for Itself

Continuing on with the short Saturday outing. As I mentioned yesterday, the clouds were growing darker. Still no immediate rain, only a few sprinkles. I can deal with that. 🙂 The book’s title is Ferns, Spikemosses, Clubmosses, and Quillworts of Eastern North America by Emily Sessa. Moreover I got it on sale at Princeton University…

A Short One

A Short One

Yesterday I could not stay at home. Well I hadn’t been to the grasslands in week. I have been a homebody. However I needed a break from the report on Caddo. We had a 20% chance of rain, it was cloudy, and so I thought I could squeeze a short outing in. It started to…