My Turn

My Turn

Yesterday, Jeanne reported 30+ Monarchs in small area at Fossil Hill! Yesterday I only saw a half dozen or so. Today was a different story. I saw over the course of my two walks 150+. And that made me happy! It was my turn for a great butterfly day! Lights out tonight please Migration Alert…

Bare Bottom

Bare Bottom

This was our third stop. Was our luck going to change? We should hoped so. After catching a bumble you had to maneuver the capture jar (ie pill bottle) into the net. Once the bumble was in the jar, carefully slide the lid on being careful not to catch a limb. And that was all…



A short time later we were at the second stop looking for more bumbles. We certainly were hoping for better luck this time. The second stop was not productive for bumbles either. In fact not a single one was seen. We saw bee flies but not much else. Hmmm, this wasn’t boding well. But with…

Bumble Hunting!

Bumble Hunting!

Now that I had found the South Plains Bumble Bee at home, it was time to go look on the grasslands. So this had been the first try of the setup capturing with a net, doing the chilling, and taking the photos in the field. I was pleased how it was working. Then we continued…

The Sky Was Falling

The Sky Was Falling

Foggy mornings are quiet like a new fallen snow to me. The dew dripped off everything making it a special morning. Study Reveals Bird-Migration Mystery Rare Jaw Fossils Discovered in Texas Shed Light on a 20-Foot-Long Mosasaur Heat Waves Can Make Bumblebees Lose Their Sense of Smell, Study Finds. Here’s Why That’s a Problem Keep…



A few more highlights from the bottomland! For a good 10 minutes we tried to remove it from the sticker seeds of the Stickseed. It took us both to get them off with tweezers and a small twig. As you can see the last sticker was stuck too well. So we stopped as we were…



0.68″ was our rain total last night! Wonderful way to start the fall season. I know some of you got more, but no complaints here at the Pollinator Ranch. 🙂 Microplastics Seem to Be in Every Kind of Animal… Except One Birds Form Surprising Relationships With Other Avian Species During Migration, Study Suggests Tiny Trackers…

Get Down

Get Down

Continuing along with the bottomland outing. Get down close to see the slime molds on a stick! These were less than 3 or 4 mm high. Could Plants Be Intelligent? New Research Reveals That Light-Based Signals Could Be the Key To Plant “Brains” One of Texas’ most popular state parks is about to get much…

Popped Up for Fall

Popped Up for Fall

They are back again, Green-lip Ladies-tresses (Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis)!!! Love the changing seasons! Each has its own special treasures! South African Rock Art Depicts 260-Million-Year-Old Extinct Animal, Study Suggests See 15 Amazing Photos of Beautiful Birds Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you…



Every day has the potential to learn something new. And that makes me happy! Keep learning! Equinox sun rises due east and sets due west Scientists Play Matchmaker for Beloved Sea Snails in the Florida Keys Did Earth Once Have a Ring Like Saturn? Geologists Find Evidence for a Halo of Orbiting Space Rocks 466…