Crotons: Part 2

Crotons: Part 2

Ooops I hit the publish button accidently. So tomorrow will be Part 1. And a morning post instead of evening for today. Did you hold your breath and turn blue. I sure hope not. So here are the next two Croton species at the Pollinator Ranch. There are two styles that bifid to the base….

My Weekly Fix

My Weekly Fix

Yesterday was my grasslands day for the week. And we were out looking for the Southern Plains Bumble Bee again. No bumbles yet. But wait the morning was young. 🙂 More tomorrow! These Freakish Ocean Creatures Can Combine as One When Injured Scientists Found a Surprising Way to Make Fungus Happy Keep looking! The more…

In the Shadow

In the Shadow

A few of treasures from around our home. New Research Reveals That Dolphins “Smile” To Signal for Playtime 2-bn-year-old rock harbors living microbes, rewrites life’s history Migration Alert for the night of 07 Oct 2024 Lights out please! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more…

Nice Quiet Sunday

Nice Quiet Sunday

Literally it was quiet Sunday. The nearby race track surprisingly wasn’t roaring. Even though it is six or seven miles as the crow flies, sometimes it sounds like it just on top the hill. Hope your Sunday was as nice as mine! This Animal Can Scuba Dive: Meet the Lizard That Uses Air Bubbles To…

Third Time’s a Charm?

Third Time’s a Charm?

After Anna found the Southern Plains Bumble Bee on First Wednesday, I couldn’t resist to go search again at the same location. So yesterday afternoon I tried again. Black-legged Longhorn (Svastra atripes) In fact I’m sure they had stories to tell their mates after their release. LOL. In this case the third time was a…

After First Wed

After First Wed

And after lunch, Jeanne and I continued on. Lisa had told Jeanne that the Liatris was just spectacular. Of course we had to check it for ourselves! However after researching them at home, I found their real identity, the Longhorn Bee (Svastra atripes)! What a cool animal! The largest dam removal project in U.S. history…

A Ghost?

A Ghost?

First Wednesday again! It’s always a delight to meet up with fellow nature nerds! We had the perfect number of people. It was a Goldilocks number! 🙂 Indeed what an awesome morning! ‘The Starry Night’ Accurately Depicts a Scientific Theory That Wasn’t Described Until Years After van Gogh’s Death Unexpected Twist Saved Iberian Lynx From…

Cat Scat and a Bumble Bee

Cat Scat and a Bumble Bee

Another fine morning walk with my friends greeting me as stepped out the back door. A great morning walk with scat and a bumble bee! Ant Queens Practice ‘Hygienic Cannibalism’ Out of Tough Love Archaeological Mystery: Why Are So Many Women Buried in This 5600-Year-Old Necropolis? Wow! Another one! Big new sungrazer comet could get…

The Familiar

The Familiar

How many times have I looked at Green June Bug? Well, I would guess thousands of times. Furthermore I often stopped to look at them. However I did not really look until now. Taking another look at the familiar and you too may see new and beautiful details! I certainly did, even on most familiar…