Pushing up

Pushing up

Every time I see a mushroom, I am amazed. Not just because it is beautiful, but the strength it must take to push its way out of the hard dry earth. And some of the dirt it pushes through is pretty darn hard. So the next time you take that spade to dig, think how…

National Pollinator Week

National Pollinator Week

June 20 -26 is National Pollinator Week. Support your local pollinators all year. Who are the pollinators? For most people bumblebees, honey bees, and butterflies come to mind first. In addition to the aforementioned, there are a whole slew of others doing the job! For example, ants are among the pollinators, though not a big…

It’s a wrap

It’s a wrap

It did not take long for me to get photos for today’s post. This morning’s Gracie walk was just perfect. How a Smithsonian Botanist Cracked the Cactus Code a Century Ago The Story Behind Red-Hued Juneteenth Food and Drink Happy Juneteenth! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you…

Two reptile day

Two reptile day

Yesterday was a two reptile day for me. Even though, I did not really see the rattlesnake in the grass, I am counting it. πŸ˜‰ So here is the snake that I actually did see. Jim spotted it as Gracie walked right over it. Speckled Kingsnake (Lampropeltis holbrooki) was its name! So exciting to meet…

Shirley Lusk Day

Shirley Lusk Day

A wonderful group showed up for the Shirley Lusk Day. Included in the group were Shirley’s three sons and one granddaughter who joined the celebration. Yes, it was pretty hot, but of course it could have been hotter. There was a slight breeze and some clouds. Everyone brought plenty of cold water. Thank you to…

Garnett Preserve June 10th

Garnett Preserve June 10th

So when we reached the Garnett Preserve, it was the afternoon. Of course it was getting hot by then. In brief, the scouting day was a success! Ready for Shirley Day tomorrow! 6 stinking cool facts about dog noses Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the…

Gotta look

Gotta look

Can one really not stop to look? In fact, it may be in the DNA of a naturalist to stop. πŸ˜‰ Concluding the Thomsen Foundations finds. Tomorrow on to the Garnett Preserve! How plants turned predator Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



So many wonders to see at the Thomsen Foundation! More tomorrow from the Thomsen Foundation observations! Don’t Miss: The Strawberry Supermoon Intense drought conditions could make this summer one of the hottest in Texas history Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Not even a slight breeze

Not even a slight breeze

Somehow I forgot to hit the publish button for this post on June 1st. Not one to waste electrons, here it is late. Ten people braved the morning heat for the First Wednesday outing. As much as I had hoped for a breeze, nada. I even got sprinkled on but only maybe three drops that…