Outside time…

Outside time…

My philosophy is to spend as much time outside exploring as I can! Even though we live out in the country, I have never found it boring outside in any weather. And I believe I can probably safely say Jeanne feels the same way as many of you do as well. Of course, my preference…

Around the house

Around the house

Today, Jeanne and I did a driving tour mostly in Cooke County. So I have a lot photos to name. Hence, today’s post will be photos that I took here at the house today. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



The definition of indeterminate has four entries in the Merriam-Webster dictionary: 1: not definitely or precisely determined or fixed or not known in advance 2: having an infinite number of solution 3: being one of the seven undefined mathematical expressions 4: characterized by sequential flowering from the lateral or basal buds to the central or…

Catches of the day

Catches of the day

The morning started out with the usual morning walk. Of course my eyes are peeled for interesting stuff. Here are today’s catches! Researchers Discover That Wolves Can Show Attachment Toward Humans Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



Goodness, another too hot day, eh. Shone is the past tense of shine. It is something that reflects lights or someone who stood out because of excellence. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Could you resist?

Could you resist?

Just when we thought or had hoped that the cooler weather was here. So we will just be waiting a bit longer, eh. These new interactive maps reveal the incredible global journeys of migrating birds Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Two guests

Two guests

Today, I have two guest photographers! Both had exciting finds! Thank you to both of the photographers today for sharing! National Geographic marine life photographer Cristina Mittermeier Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



Preparing for the upcoming Prairie Seeker training, the instructors met with Daniel Price, Natural Resource Manager of the Ft. Worth Nature Center & Refuge on Tuesday. We were there to learn about the current practices for the prairies. Daniel graciously showed us around. Furthermore, he told us about the prescribed burns and the bison management….

Hot buns

Hot buns

Today’s post will be about what we saw after we moved on from yesterday’s post of the first Datura. It was a beautiful day for exploring! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.