

Indeed, snow sounds pretty good about now, eh. Well, the Snow-on-the-prairie (Euphorbia bicolor) does not mean that cool weather is just around the corner. However, I think it is wonderfully nice on the eyes with its cool white and green colors in this heat as it gets started! U.S. Will Plant One Billion Trees to…

35 seconds

35 seconds

This morning we had just a tiny bit of hope for some rain. In fact, Jim saw FOUR drops on the sidewalk! But alas, that is all we got. Have you been watching the Sir David Attenborough’s The Green Planet on PBS? If not, I highly recommend it. You can stream episode 1 from KERA…

Ice Cream for lunch!

Ice Cream for lunch!

Shirley would be proud! LOL. Today, Jeanne and I went to BRIT to deposit our plant specimens we had collected this season. It is always fun to make the trip. And of course on the way out of town, my new favorite place to stop for ice cream, Paleta Mia Ice Cream. If you like…

No tuna

No tuna

Do you still have your fingers crossed for rain over the next couple of days? I do! And this evening I heard the Rain Crow or Yellow-billed Cuckoo talking. Hope its forecast is good. 🙂 Additionally, two Common Nighthawks were squawking overhead. Love them! The magnificent moths of the Catskill mountains – in pictures Plant…

Just a shell

Just a shell

Our high temperature today was 102 degrees. Fingers crossed for a chance of rain soon! Trees Are Overrated Rio Grande Runs Dry in Albuquerque Marjory Stephenson Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

A bit messy

A bit messy

Science can be messy. Shirley often told me about how the plant names were changing with DNA studies and how frustrating it was. And she found it hard, since like most of us, depend on the morphology to decide what is what. But nevertheless, also very interesting, eh! I love to learn new stuff, even…

Green-eyed Monster

Green-eyed Monster

Guess what the heat is still here. LOL And still I sat outside this morning for a bit. Of course I sat in the shade along with Gracie, Briar (Claire’s furry buddy) and Jim. We were waiting on Claire to join us for a short walk. Thanks to this amazing Green-eyed Monster, I got to…



Yesterday, I left you with the green-eyed yucca friend. Today, I will share some of the other prairie friends. A diner discovered 100 million-year-old dinosaur footprints in a restaurant Is the Silence of the Great Plains to Blame for ‘Prairie Madness’?   Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more…

Make a friend

Make a friend

This was the last quail survey morning! And we were lucky to hear one Bobwhite on a different unit than previous days today. So this means we heard four bobwhites in three different locations on the grasslands for this year’s survey effort. That is pretty darn nice! Migratory Monarch Butterflies Are Listed as an Endangered…