Hey You

After finding the Anemone ‘pilosa’ we headed over to two additional grasslands units. These were the highlights.

Pink Verbena (Glandularia pumila) was the common name I have used on this plant. However I think in this case iNat’s name Dwarf Verbena is better. “Pumil” is Latin for a dwarf.
My name for the Stemless Evening-primrose’s (Oenothera triloba) was in agreement this time with iNat. 🙂
Another one we agreed on, the Ground Plum (Astragalus crassicarpus)!

Downy Paintbrush (Castilleja sessiliflora) sure looks soft and fuzzy. Names given to this one includes Downy Painted Cup, Downy Paintbrush, Great Plains Paintbrush, Great Plains Indian-paintbrush per Lady Bird Jonson Wildflower Center.

The Blue Funnel-lily (Androstephium coeruleum) pretty much gets called that or sometimes just simply Funnel-lily. Maybe it depends on how close of a friend you are?
Here’s another, Redroot (Ceanothus herbaceus) which has multiple names. iNat likes Inland Ceanothus. Lady Bird lists Prairie Redroot, Smaller Redroot, Small Redroot, Inland Ceanothus, Fuzzy Ceanothus, Jersey Tea, and Redroot.
Texas Bluestar (Amsonia ciliata var. texana) or as I call them simply Bluestar. INat call this variety Texas Slimpod (Amsonia ciliata var. texana).

So whatever you choose for a common name will work just fine. Furthermore ‘Hey You’ might be just fine too. Certainly works on me. LOL.

And this concludes our treasures we saw on the outing with Russell. 🙂 Indeed, I look forward to reading his paper when it gets published. Moreover this will be an example of a new species that was in plain sight the whole time…Anemone ‘pilosa’!

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Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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