More Pogonatum brachyphyllum but without the sporophytes yet.
When I see a tree that is all twisted, I wondered what it would have to say about its long life.
Here this patch of Cladonia subcariosa lichen seemed to sparkle. The lichen has up turned squamules (small scale like lobes) that shows the white underside.
The trails are open to bikes. It looked like a good ramp for a jump!
Back to what I like to do on a trail…look at the natural stuff like the Turban Cap Lichen (Cladonia peziziformis)!
A trunk covered with Leucodon julaceus (moss) and a Shield Lichen (Parmelia)!
Another standout moss, Entodon seductrix! It was so shiny and on the edges of a patch it looks like tiny trees!
It was hard to keep moving with all the cool lichens and mosses, but we did. LOL. More from the trail tomorrow.
I love the mossy tree.